This post provides the top 25 high rated Chemical Engineering project title to enhance your project ideas.Some Chemical Engineering based projects are:-

  1. Purification of gaseous pollutants using biofiltration technique
  2.  Investigation on effect of papain and ascorbic acid on e-coli
  3.  Rotocell extraction of pongamia oil and conversion engineering
  4.  Composites of commercial value from solid waste recycled materrial
  5.  Investigations on catalytic production of biogas from rice straw for power generation
  6.  Power alchohol from agricultural wastes
  7.  Development of smoke evaluation instrument for environmental investigation
  8.  Systematic evaluation of drilling mud
  9.  Effective utilization of waste plastics in asphalting of roads
  10.  Experimental study on single bubble cap type distillation column
  11.  Production of high quality liquid soap by enzymatic method
  12.  Adsorption of heavy metals using sugarcane bagasse
  13.  Analysis of water melon seeds as a cost-effective water purifier
  14.  Studies on linas distillation column
  15. Toxicity studies of heavy metals on cirrhinus mrigala
  16.  Process optimastion of diethyl sulfate
  17.  Low cost d fluridatio using bricks
  18.  Preliminary studies on reageneration of ferric chloride from the spent etching solution
  19.  Utilization of plastic waste to overcome environment pollution
  20.  Activated carbon -from coconut shell using a fluidised bed reactor
  21.  Extraction of (-) hydroxycitric acid, garcinol and anthocyanin pigments from garcinica and process design
  22.  Study of composting using the liquids effluent and solid waste materials of sugar industry
  23.  Extraction of vineblastine sulphate from vinca-rosea plant leaves
  24.  Effluent treatment in petroleium refinery
  25.  Treatment techniques for production of mineral water
  26.  Extraction of pectin from orange peels
  27.  A product on manufacture of activated carbon from paddy husk
  28. Treatment of industrial waste water containing heavy metal ions by non-conventional methods
  29.  Pyrolysis of agro waste and production of charchol clay briquettes for environmental friendly cooking in rural areas
  30.  Enrgey exhgange effectivness enhancement evaution in domestic l p g burners
Hence this post is very useful to final year enginnering students to decide their project titles.For more detail about the project in various fields such as Mech,EEE,EIE,Civil and CSE/IT visit our site newprojectideas.

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